The GoldSlide

Automated Removal Systems

GoldSlide gear

Our T-shirts and Logo  where inspired by our

love of  gold nuggets and the great little town

of Atlin, Britsh Columbia Canada

GoldSlide - Au T-Shirt 

GoldVeyor Mini

GoldSlide - GoldSlide Out! T-Shirt  

The Original GS T 

The GoldVeyor is specifically designed to be mounted at the end of your trough belt conveyor. 

When a target is detected, the mechanism will deploy into the stream at the end of the conveyor and redirect the target into a collection area.

The entire process is very quick and never slows your process flow. 

Targets could include precious metal nuggets, coins and artifacts, or simply tramp metal.

The GoldVeyor is universally made to fit various sizes of conveyors with run-rates over 600 yards per hour.

CALL FOR PRICING  1-618-407-4333



GoldSlide - Got Nuggets T-Shirt

For those of you a little more daring then others

​GoldSlide Gear 

All T 'S $12.99ORDER YOURS TODAY  1-217-371-0524

Straight from the periodic table this T would make a great gift for any Gold Nerd. 

​The GoldVeyor-mini is an all-in-one unit designed for smaller volume processes. It can scan approximately 10 yard per hour.

The built-in metal detector can discriminate various metals down to 7 grains and once detected, will slow the belt enough for the target to drop into a container at the end of the belt while the unwanted material will fly right over the top of the collection container. 

CALL FOR PRICING  1-618-407-4333